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Our Blog

Articles Written By Us, to em{power} You

At PFG, we strive to provide you with relevant and timely information wherever you are.

The Reverse Budget Hack Thumbnail

The Reverse Budget Hack

Budgeting is hard, and quite frankly tedious. Here's a unique way to tackle it, and maybe make it a little more manageable and less of a chore.

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The 401(k) Explained Thumbnail

The 401(k) Explained

The 401(k) is a great retirement savings tool that offers many unique benefits such as easy access to the stock market, tax benefits, and a “forced” savings vehicle.

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Retirement Strategy: Money & Longevity Thumbnail

Retirement Strategy: Money & Longevity

When considering your retirement strategy, how much thought do you give to how long you might live? It can be an uncomfortable reality to consider, but this shouldn't dissuade you from giving it some serious thought.

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