An Up Close & Personal Approach to Lifetime Wealth
You know the names. All too often once a professional athlete has taken off their jersey for the last time, they find themselves with no direction on how to maintain their lifestyle without that source of income. In fact, 60% of former NBA players face serious financial hardship and over 15% of NFL players actually go bankrupt within 12 years of retiring, according to the American Bankruptcy Institute!
So what can we do?
The team at Power Forward Group takes a page out of the books of the largest institutions in the world- banks- and supports athletes on their journey to creating lifetime wealth for themselves and those most important to them.

Leverage your career earnings to generate stable income for life!
Take back ownership of everything you've worked so hard for.
Capitalize on any opportunities that come your way and create the future you want and deserve.
Become Your Own Bank
Incorporate Yourself & Reap the Benefits
- Guaranteed Tax Preferred Growth
- Lifetime Income
- Leverage with Superior Lending Valuations
- Credit Sheltered Asset
- Supplemental Death Benefit to Build Generational Wealth
- Flexible Lending Schedule
As You Grow, We Grow
Download the Power Forward Playbook!
At Power Forward Group, our deep roots in estate planning and experience working with high-net-worth families shape our approach. We begin every conversation with a focus on wealth preservation, because securing your assets is the foundation upon which your legacy and dynasty can be built.
We believe in a 2:1 advisor-to-client relationship, because you deserve to be part of a collaborative team. Our clients are our investments; as you grow, we grow. In a time where social media and the internet lead us to get lost in soundboxes, a team approach allows us to break free.
Our Full Private Suite of Services
- Wealth Management
- Financial Planning
- Market Investments
- Risk Management
- Insurance Services
- Estate Planning
How Do We Get Paid?
- For Insurance Products, we get compensated directly by the carrier we choose to do the business with.
- For any Market Investments Managed, we charge a fee of ~1% of the total asset.