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Powering The Financial Futures Of

Attorneys | Wealth Builders | Professional Athletes | The Community

PFG logo | New York City, NY | PowerForward Group

Invest In Your Wealth Today

How Do We Stand Out?

You deserve to be part of a collaborative team. At Power Forward Group


we believe in a 2:1 advisor-to-client relationship. This creates open conversations resulting in creative solutions regardless of your net worth. Our clients are our investments; as you grow, we grow. In a time where social media and the internet lead us to get lost in soundboxes, a team approach allows us to break free.



Virtual, Simple & Versatile

Three Things Your Financial Plan & Advisory Team Should Be

virtual | New York City, NY | PowerForward Group


While we are a

wealth management company based in NYC

, all of our meetings are held via video conference from the comfort of wherever you are.

Simple | New York City, NY | PowerForward Group


Our 3 step approach simplifies the financial planning process. It starts with organizing your financial life and from there implementing an automated strategy to create consistent habits to achieve your goals. 

Adaptive | New York City, NY | PowerForward Group


Adaptive, not reactive planning is the cornerstone of the plans we create. Plans revolve around your goals and your life; not outside forces that we have no control over.

Behind the Name

From the Founder of Power Forward Group

image of Ruvin Levari | New York City, NY | PowerForward Group

The name Power Forward Group came from my love of hockey and the camaraderie that is the fabric of team sports. While my dreams of playing for the Rangers did a 180 to law school, the lessons I learned on the ice transcended into this team. The power forward position is the ‘complete player.’ Power forwards carry their team with toughness and flexibility to withstand whatever is thrown at them. At PFG, we strive to be just that for you. The plans we create are adaptive, not reactive, flexible to life’s changes and centered around your goals (no pun intended). Meet the team.

– Ruvin Levavi

We Don't Go at It Alone

Neither Should You

If you're already a PFG client, be sure to visit our Client Center to have access to your accounts all in one place.